Should You Use A Repair Service For Your Smartphone, Or Rely On The Insurance?
There are people these days that run entire businesses from their smartphones alone. They take payments, email receipts, have meetings, and perform other business functions with their smartphones. A crack, break, or malfunction can bring business to a halt. So do you have it repaired? Or do you follow the procedure outlined in your warranty or insurance plan?
When Speed is of the Essence
If you're using your smartphone for business, you need it up and running with as little downtime as possible. Not all insurance or warranty options allow you to bring your device to the nearest retail outlet to replace it.
In addition, warranties and insurance often come with very stringent terms, conditions, and exclusions for what kind of damage is acceptable. If you don't already know your insurance or warranty plan inside and out, you can waste a lot of time and a lot of money.
You will waste time getting your device somewhere, having it looked over, going through the rigmarole of explaining the damage, and then finally finding out that particular type of damage isn't covered. You can waste a lot of money paying for a replacement device, or paying a higher than normal deductible.
This is not something that you will have to go through if you opt to pay out of pocket for a repair from a reputable repair service. Since it is a service, there's no red tape to get through in order to have your phone fixed, working, and back in your hands so you can continue to use it for business.
When the Deductible Is Too High
Sometimes the deductible for a repair or replacement is just too high. In cases like these, it's often cheaper to go with an out of pocket repair. In fact, doing so can help you in the long run.
If you're using third party insurance, your rates can go up if you go through with paying the deductible for the repair or replacement. Companies that insure smartphones, just like those that insure your home or car, will often raise your premium if you actually do use the insurance.
Deductibles for smartphones are usually higher than many people realize. If the cost of the repair is less than the deductible, then you should consider the out of pocket repair.
Insurance is Still Necessary
If you use your smartphone for business, then you should definitely insure it. Just understand that you have options. There are cases when using your insurance is the right move. However, there are also situations in which having your smartphone repaired quickly, professionally, and without hassle, can help you out a lot more.
Contact a local iPhone repair service to learn more.