Cell Phone Cables Wearing Out Too Fast? 3 Tricks To Help Them Last Longer
It happens all the time. You buy a new USB cable for your cell phone and before you know it, the darned thing is broken. It's a vicious cycle that involves a constant supply of new USB cords. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to prevent your USB cords from wearing out prematurely. Here are three tricks that will help increase the lifespan of your cell phone USB cord.
Wrap it Properly
if you're like most people, you wrap the cord around your hand and then toss it aside. After all, the cord was wrapped tightly inside the package when you bought it. Unfortunately, just because it was packaged like that, doesn't mean you should continue the practice. To protect the delicate wires inside the cord, you should wrap it in a circle. Simply hold one end and continue to loop the cord until you've formed a loose circle. Wrapping your cord this way every time to put it away will protect the wires and help it last longer.
Don't Bend it
The battery starts to die but you want to keep using it. So, you plug the charger in and continue using the phone. You haven't noticed that the cord closest to the wall connection is bending at an uncomfortable angle. The more you tug on the phone, the tighter the bend gets. What you don't notice is that the wires inside the cord are starting to fray from the constant bending at the connection. Over time, the protective plastic coating will begin to crack and the wires will be exposed. Finally, the wires will crack and you'll need a new charger. Protect your cords by setting your phone down while it charges.
Safeguard the Connection
If you absolutely must use your cell phone while it's charging, you can still protect your cord. You'll need a couple of things for this project, but the end result will be a safeguarded connection. For this project, you'll need to grab an old click-style pen and a piece of duct tape.
- Open your pen and remove the small spring that's inside.
- Carefully separate the first loop of the spring and place it around your USB cord.
- Continue maneuvering the spring until it's completely wrapped around the USB cord.
- Move the spring up until it's positioned around the base of the cord.
- Wrap a small piece of duct tape around the cable to keep the spring in place.
- The spring will prevent the base of the cord from bending too tightly.
If you're tired of spending money on new USB cords for your phone, use the tips provided here to prevent damage and help them last longer. Contact a company like Wireless Accessories Inc. for more information about this.