Never Lose Your Important Thumb Drive Data Again
Flash drives, USB drives, thumb drives, memory sticks -- whatever you want to call them, they are a convenient and portable way to store gigs of data. They are perhaps a little too convenient, though, because their small size means they can easily be lost. If you've ever lost important data in a misplaced flash drive, you know how devastating that can be.
Backup, Backup, Backup
Nowhere in computing is this more important that when dealing with the data on USB drives. An online backup service is the best alternative, since you may not always be working on your computer or have an external drive to save to. It's wiser still to backup the data in two different places, such as an online storage service and an external drive, to ensure that if the worst happens to one, you haven't lost everything. A few extra minutes spent doing backup can save you from disaster.
Organize and Catalog
If you're like most people, you don't even remember what is on some of your thumb drives. Take some time to go through, clean out the trash, and catalog the contents. If you've been using different colors or designs for different uses and have multiples of each, a number system works quite well to keep them straight, such as G1 for Green #1 or Z3 for Zebra stripe #3. A paint pen is great for placing the numbers indelibly on the drive..
Store Securely
Keychain cases are available for carrying one or two drives around with you. For a few more drives, there are small, portable carrying cases to keep them all together. There are many different types of cases, hard shell and soft side, that can hold as few as six up to dozens of drives. When you need to carry certain drives in your portfolio or binder for a job or meeting, there are 3-ring binder plastic sheets with secure pockets for drives and SD disks. For a business, such as a design firm, that has multiple people needing access to the drives, a metal key case is useful, since it can be locked securely to protect your intellectual property. Of course, if you want to be tech geek-cool, you can always hang your drives on a chain around your neck or carry them on a contractor's keychain.
Backing up your thumb drive data is the best way to protect yourself against loss or theft. Once you have organized and cataloged them, you will need to choose a storage method that works best for you. There is a bevy of carrying and storage choices available, from single keychain cases to key boxes that hold hundreds of drives. Whatever your needs, keeping your flash drives safe and organized will make your computing life so much easier. Contact companies like myFlashWrap for more information.